Hello again,
you much have missed my beautiful reviews!
I have read like 4 books and I haven’t been writing shame on me!!!
So I begin again with an erotic novel!
“Bared to you” is the starting novel of five!
The story is pretty standard tremendous sexual tension with personal problems.  This novel though I like! Because the problems come from the woman mainly or should I say both equally, but Sylvia Day focuses on the female character more rather the man.
This novel though I like! Because the problems come from the woman mainly or should I say both equally, but Sylvia Day focuses on the female character more rather the man.
I enjoyed the sex scenes because I felt they were well written, but in this novel they use sex to solve problems! Of course, you going to tell me : “Elektra you are reading erotic novel”
I know for once though I want to read one that has more substance.
Bared to you, gives you more details about their “problems” and hooks you up!
I am reading the novel now because of the actual story and not the sex! Which is good.
Give it a try, it’s not bad if you don’t mind sex.
I will be writing also the reviews of the others of this series so stay tuned in!
